It's OK to use the word "bisexual".

Lately a favourite pet peeve of mine has resurfaced and I thought it high time that I posted my query online, perhaps in the off chance I might get an answer that makes a lick of sense to me.

Here it is: Why is there such hesitation and distaste for the utterance of the word "bisexual" to describe some one's sexual leanings? Especially in non-mainstream television and movies? The gay and lesbian community in particular and the attitudes often expressed makes me cynical to their supposed "open mindedness". The extent of biphobia I have encountered from the "Queer" community has been staggering, surprising and excluding. If I want to pretend to be Les, that's fine and I am welcomed with open arms into the stereotypical male bashing, u-haul trekking "sisterhood". But try and stand outside of that misapplied label, and the looks, oye!!

So, what is it? What scares those that are obviously scared of the word, bisexual? What projected fear is at the core of this scorn? The again stereotypical comments and remarks are also ones for serious eye rolling. It's not a phase, anymore than being gay or straight is. It's not an experiment and it's not an inability to commit or decide.

Bisexual people are simply evolved beyond the need to discriminate in their sexual partners based on their genitalia. It's about what between people's ears that is the base attraction for most of us. Yes, I said "us", as I include myself in the bisexual category (for those that haven't been reading my blogs, everyone is well clued in by now).

Sure, who doesn't appreciate a nice set of tits, or a tight little ass or whatever, but bisexual people tend to need something beyond that. And it's not a threat to anyone. Anymore than a straight person is to the opposite gender, it's about the person.

Is it because perhaps we blend it too well, and you'd like us to be more "visible"? Well, again, we don't often fit into molds and stereotypes.

If you have an answer or perhaps even a theory that you think "holds water", please feel free to post it.