It's a girl thing.

Someone asked me the other day why I write and repost so much on the topic of m/f relationships and all the various ways that men mess up relationships and not so much on f/f and ways that women go wrong.
Well, fair enough, I guess I can expand my horizons and look at the dynamic of female relationships. Perhaps not the world's leading expert, to be certain, I have only been in one female/female relationship and from what I have seen, the stereotypical dymanic of m/f plays out all too often. What I mean by that is, whether it's physically or temperment or just the roles that people often slip into, is typical of male/female relationship roles. Often one will look more femme and the other more masculine, or one will be more submissive or domesticated. Now I don't know what to attribute this to, is it conditioning, is it nature? Hhhhmmm, uncertain on that, but it has been my observation that this is how it often plays out.
So my inquisitive nature aside, what advice would I give women in lesbian relationships? Well, regardless of gender, my one piece of advice for ANY type of relationship that you want any hope of longevity and sanity in, is COMMUNICATION. And that doesn't only mean one side, talking OR listening, but BOTH. Really doing your best to be honest and sincere and timely.
That's the one thing about women, because we often take time to process our feelings and thoughts, we may seem like we're coming to the party late. Men often find this confusing as do most women - funny enough. So I highly recommend frequent "girl talks" or "heart to heart" or whatever you want to call it. Don't let things brew or fester, it isn't our best quality. Keep things current and please girls, let's not bring up everything the person has done over the last number of years, be timely and current in your discussion.
For the time being, we'll leave it at that. I will hunt up interesting topics and share them or if you have a topic you'd like to discuss, feel free to share.