It's a girl thing.

Someone asked me the other day why I write and repost so much on the topic of m/f relationships and all the various ways that men mess up relationships and not so much on f/f and ways that women go wrong.
Well, fair enough, I guess I can expand my horizons and look at the dynamic of female relationships. Perhaps not the world's leading expert, to be certain, I have only been in one female/female relationship and from what I have seen, the stereotypical dymanic of m/f plays out all too often. What I mean by that is, whether it's physically or temperment or just the roles that people often slip into, is typical of male/female relationship roles. Often one will look more femme and the other more masculine, or one will be more submissive or domesticated. Now I don't know what to attribute this to, is it conditioning, is it nature? Hhhhmmm, uncertain on that, but it has been my observation that this is how it often plays out.
So my inquisitive nature aside, what advice would I give women in lesbian relationships? Well, regardless of gender, my one piece of advice for ANY type of relationship that you want any hope of longevity and sanity in, is COMMUNICATION. And that doesn't only mean one side, talking OR listening, but BOTH. Really doing your best to be honest and sincere and timely.
That's the one thing about women, because we often take time to process our feelings and thoughts, we may seem like we're coming to the party late. Men often find this confusing as do most women - funny enough. So I highly recommend frequent "girl talks" or "heart to heart" or whatever you want to call it. Don't let things brew or fester, it isn't our best quality. Keep things current and please girls, let's not bring up everything the person has done over the last number of years, be timely and current in your discussion.
For the time being, we'll leave it at that. I will hunt up interesting topics and share them or if you have a topic you'd like to discuss, feel free to share.

It's OK to use the word "bisexual".

Lately a favourite pet peeve of mine has resurfaced and I thought it high time that I posted my query online, perhaps in the off chance I might get an answer that makes a lick of sense to me.

Here it is: Why is there such hesitation and distaste for the utterance of the word "bisexual" to describe some one's sexual leanings? Especially in non-mainstream television and movies? The gay and lesbian community in particular and the attitudes often expressed makes me cynical to their supposed "open mindedness". The extent of biphobia I have encountered from the "Queer" community has been staggering, surprising and excluding. If I want to pretend to be Les, that's fine and I am welcomed with open arms into the stereotypical male bashing, u-haul trekking "sisterhood". But try and stand outside of that misapplied label, and the looks, oye!!

So, what is it? What scares those that are obviously scared of the word, bisexual? What projected fear is at the core of this scorn? The again stereotypical comments and remarks are also ones for serious eye rolling. It's not a phase, anymore than being gay or straight is. It's not an experiment and it's not an inability to commit or decide.

Bisexual people are simply evolved beyond the need to discriminate in their sexual partners based on their genitalia. It's about what between people's ears that is the base attraction for most of us. Yes, I said "us", as I include myself in the bisexual category (for those that haven't been reading my blogs, everyone is well clued in by now).

Sure, who doesn't appreciate a nice set of tits, or a tight little ass or whatever, but bisexual people tend to need something beyond that. And it's not a threat to anyone. Anymore than a straight person is to the opposite gender, it's about the person.

Is it because perhaps we blend it too well, and you'd like us to be more "visible"? Well, again, we don't often fit into molds and stereotypes.

If you have an answer or perhaps even a theory that you think "holds water", please feel free to post it.

Why Men Don't Listen to Women


In a recent posting I identified a list of the wrong things to say to someone who is upset. Interestingly, this led to a lot of comments on The Huffington Post, which got me thinking. The first thought I had was, "Why do men find it so hard to validate women?"

Before I get into this, I'd like you to think about the research by psychologist John Gottman. Gottman has been able to predict with 91 percent accuracy which couples will end up getting divorced. He calls these "The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse" -- along with other problematic styles of communication. The Four Horsemen are Criticism ("You are always whining"), Contempt ("You're a basket case"), Defensiveness ("I'm not the problem, you are!") and Stonewalling (withdrawing or becoming silent). Other problematic styles include starting the conversation in a hostile or intense style, giving off body-language that is defensive or cold, flooding your partner with negativity, and bringing up past memories, complaints and injuries. When you can predict divorce with 91 percent accuracy you know you are on to something.

Now I don't want to claim that men are always the problem -- or that they are even more likely to be the problem than women are. No group is innocent, no group is perfect. But I can see that a lot of times men have a great deal of difficulty validating and emotionally supporting the women in their lives. Here are some reasons.

The Seven Reasons Men Don't Listen

It's a Power Struggle. Some men view intimate relationships as a win-lose game. If the woman is venting her feelings, then she is winning and the man is losing. As a result these men may try to dominate and control the woman, telling her that she is illogical, out of control or just a pain to deal with. One man says, "You want us to be doormats."


Many men describe their interactions in terms of "sarcastic" comments -- put-downs, contempt, criticism and condescension. For example, some men respond with, "It must be that time of the month" or "Get me a beer" or other problematic and self-defeating comments. They think that sarcasm will get the woman to either shut up or help her see that she is being ridiculous. She gets the message that he not only doesn't care -- but that he is the last person to ask for support. He thinks he's clever and funny -- and she thinks he just doesn't get it.

Macho Thinking

A number of men comment that to validate or to use emotional language to support the woman is unmanly. "You are trying to make us into wusses," a number of men say. They believe that the role of the man is to be strong, above it, domineering. Validating and allowing emotional ventilation is for feminized men, men who have lost their dignity as "real men." The women may think that some of the macho confidence is appealing, until it leads them to feel that the only emotion they can get from him is his anger.

Emotional Dysregulation

Some men find it so upsetting, so emotionally arousing to listen to their partners that they feel they have to ventilate their anger or withdraw. In fact, this is supported by the research that shows that their pulse-rates escalate during conflict and they find this unbearable. As a result of their own escalating emotion -- which they can't tolerate -- they either try to get her to shut up -- or they leave the room. She feels controlled, marginalized and abandoned.

Not Wanting to Reinforce Whining

This is another reason that men give for not supporting or encouraging expression. They believe that validating and making time and space for their partner's expression will reinforce complaining which, in turn, will go on indefinitely. So they want to stop it immediately by using sarcasm, control or stonewalling. She feels that he won't let her talk, that he is cold, aloof, hostile. So she goes somewhere else to get that support -- another woman friend -- or another man.

Demand for Rationality

Some men believe that their partner should always be rational and that irrationality cannot be tolerated. Their response to their partner's apparent irrationality is to point out every error in her thinking, dismiss her, become sarcastic or withdraw. This demand for rationality or "the facts" might sound "mature" but I have yet to hear someone say that they have a great sex life because they have the facts on their side. Communication is often more about soothing, grooming, connecting -- less about simply giving you the information and being logical.

Problems Have to Be Solved

These men think that the main reason for communication is to share facts that then can be used for problem-solving. They think that venting and sharing feelings gets you nowhere and that if their partner is not willing to initiate problem-solving then she is being self-indulgent and wasting everyone's time and energy. When he jumps in with problem-solving, she either escalates the emotion which she believes is not heard, or she withdraws.

Well, ask yourself, "Have these responses really worked?" Why is this kind of behavior and thinking so predictive of divorce? If it's not working -- and you and your partner both know it's not -- then maybe it's time to think about making a change. You can change your partner -- break up, get divorced. Or, perhaps it would be easier to change your response to your partner. In a previous posting I listed some possible responses.

Let me go back to a fundamental part of intimate relationships. We want to feel that our partner cares about and respects our feelings. We want to believe that they have time to listen. We want to feel supported, soothed and that we are not a burden. The seven beliefs and styles above -- which many men use -- only alienate the women that they claim they love. If it's not working, why would you continue to act this way?

The answer may be that some men view relationships in terms of power and control. They believe that being real men means never giving up your power. They think that women need to be kept in their place, not "indulged," taught how to think rationally and solve real problems. Of course, rationality and problem-solving are important, but if your partner wants to be heard and respected you better find out first before you jump in and take control. Real men share power, real men are partners, real men know that real women need real respect.

Life is a journey, not a destination

When I first started the latest five-year plan, I wasn't sure about all that I would have to remove from my life in order to make room for the new adventures and opportunities, but I knew that certain people simply did not fit into my life any longer, and as much as I wanted to pretend or hope otherwise, the truth could not be denied or negated. While it took some doing and it wasn't easy to do, the end result has been a remarkably positive transformation in my personal life. More time to think about matters that are important to me, not being distracted by other people's needs or even being concerned about anyone else's schedule or feelings. Living alone is once again just that, alone, rather than lonely.
I am also rediscovering that I may be a bit of "a lone wolf" by nature and somewhat by nurture, but that was primarily because I simply do not related to the "normal" or "typical" or "average". As a matter of fact, I don't WANT to relate to "average". I find it boring and pointless to dumb myself down for the benefit of others. If they can't be bothered to elevate their thinking or attitudes, it's their perogative and I respect it, but there is no reason why I must tolerate it or enable it. So, I adopt the "polite" facade where/when the company of the "average" can't be avoided, and where/when it can, I avoid it at all costs.
The journey that I am on now is one of freedom, honesty, learning, growing and nurturing. Having done the "polite" and "typical" and "normal" I am more convinced then ever that I simply don't have the patience or inclination to put up with "average". I enjoy the challenge that my friends bring me, they make me a better person by making me look at my thoughts and actions and dispose of anything that does not benefit me in the short or long term.
Life is a big bold daring adventure, or it is nothing at all. That quote reminds often me that life is a journey, not a destination and I am so enjoying this particular leg of my life's journey. No more being lonely and taken for granted. I have also promised myself that I will not distrust my gut again or at least, not at the expense of my emotional/mental/spiritual health. If the person/people in my life find it impossible to comply with some basic ideals and share a common peace loving philosophy, there is no reason for us to associate. Especially in a personal relationship, because there is nothing I can do regarding the people that come into TZM-Toronto, it's an open and free-for-all movement.
I have people to be affectionate with, friends that are true and show their feelings, we enjoy each other's company, learn together, grow together, hug, cuddle, and generally be loving to each other. I also have my special gal pal, where the intimacy is very fulliling because it's not merely physical, but truly intimate it all senses. I have meaningful employment - not many people can say that in our money hungry world. How lucky can one person get?

Zeitgeist III - Moving Forward

Back by popular demand - Encore presentation of

Zeitgeist III - Moving Forward

Saturday January 22, 2011 - 8:30pm - The Underground Cinema - 186 Spadina Road

Toronto Premiere - January 15, 2011

Bathurst Cinema - 9:30pm

Pay What You Can