Ask and you shall receive

That is what I have come to understand about life. Ask and you shall receive. Along with that though, one should also keep in mind another saying "Careful what you wish for, because you might just get it."
So, this time, I am going to be very specific in what I am seeking in an "Imzadi" and will not settle for anything less than.
The term is from Star Trek TNG - but I was reminded by a former roommate of its existence and meaning. According to Wikipedia - the meaning of Imzadi, " the Betazoid word for one's first true love, although not necessarily first sexual partner."
Therefore, the person most suitable for me, as a life partner, someone to take the journey of life with, will be someone with deep empathy, someone who is not a hypocrite ("Oh you're so perfect, I would die for you...") only to turn around and break the land speed record in a matter of days clearing out. Someone with some balls and guts to face life head on and the guts to stick it out when things get tough. Someone both intellectually and emotionally developed and spiritually awake. Not religious, have no use for that pathology, but someone in touch with their spirit/soul.
Someone who's life is not just a series of self-indulgent preoccupations, but someone that is actually concerned with life, the world and wants to lead a meaningful existence.
Someone that understands how precious time is and wastes not a second of it on fruitless, hedonistic pleasures, but rather derives pleasure from helping others.
Someone articulate, socially graceful and well rounded. Someone that is more than a warm body in social situations.
A person who is capable of a range of emotions and isn't afraid to express them. Someone that is able to grow and learn from their mistakes, as well as learn from the mistakes of others.
Someone that has a balanced (see non-codependent) relationship with their parents, in other words, they don't live in their parent's basement (literally or psychologically).
A person that is credible and actually does what they say. Lives by the creedo "Say what you mean and mean what you say".
You may have noticed how I didn't specify any demographics, age, race, gender, etc. because those are not criteria that matter. I have met people from all walks of life and my Imzadi is not defined by such criteria, but rather the depth of their character. Someone that is tried and tested and has come through hardships in life with a positive attitude and isn't psychologically fractured into compliance. Someone with balls and guts to stand up to the coming tyranny and not fold like a shirt at the first challenge.
Until that person materializes, I am more than happy with Sarah and my other friends (Zcrew!! love you) and won't be bothering with people that just don't get me, or try to tell me that I have "episodes" when they are thoughtless and lie and try to make me think that I am somehow the one "reading too much into things".
No, I deserve a real Imzadi, not someone who "will try".
As the Chinese saying goes, "There is only "do", there is no "try".

The Road Ahead

What comes next? What could possibly be around the bend? There really is no way to know, especially if it's a road one's never travelled on before. I guess that is where "faith" comes into play.

So it is with this faith that I move forward and I have to say, the ride is a rather good one. It happened almost the second I started cleaning out the dead weight from my life. The psychic constipation that I seemed to have been suffering from. Joy, Grant, Frankie, Tommi, James, flushed out and cleared the way for my tribe and Sarah and whomever might be a good fit and a keeper going forward. Speaking of keepers, those are the only ones that are permitted in my sphere of influence. People with integrity that know who they are and what meaningful contribution they are willing to make in this life.
Those that are strictly here to take and consume and are primarily interested in their own hedonistic, self-indulgence, they are not suitable for the life boat that we are constructing, and will have to be left behind.
See, because I have this feeling, that what 2012 will mean in practical terms is a mass awakening and it will take a great deal of courage to face the reality of our current broken down and ineffective system of living. It is not an easy realization to arrive at, even when you arrive at it on your own good time, but in the case of those hardwired into the matrix that we call "modern monetary driven life", they will either have a meltdown or grow up and face facts, but either way, it will come to that.
Not because I say so, or because I know I am right, but because life is a constantly evolving entity and nothing stands still. Either you keep up, or get left behind (a nice way of saying "extinct).
Nothing personal, just fact.
So, I am not willing to sit back and let those that are fast asleep lull me into another nap. I was right in 1990 and glad I didn't buy into the housing market when everyone else was losing their minds, only to later lose their hard earned money.
I am glad I stuck to my values and didn't get sucked into the "boiler room" scams of the mid 90's while working with "entrepreneurs".
So it is this time around, I know what I know and the facts are irrefutable. We are fast approaching the collapse of our oil driven life as we have come to be born into and know, and the facts don't lie. Between the contamination of our planet, the hunger, disease, poverty and overall imbalance that we have created, we are coming to the point of no return. Either we change our faulty ways, or this living organism we call "Earth" is going to go into survival mode and shake us off like a dog does with fleas when they become too overwhelming.
Yet rather than focus on what is wrong, my tribe and I prefer and find it more productive to focus on what we know how to do right. That is, create a sustainable life model for ourselves, even within this flawed system. "Be the change" we want to see in the world.
So, the road is taking me (us) to a place of our creation and it's going to be so much fun. Hard work, no doubt as nothing worthwhile is without sacrifice and sweat, but what better way to spend one's time?
So, we're unplugging from the matrix one step at a time. Starting with Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Food, water, shelter. Nothing overly complicated at this point. Just learning the basics about going back to the basics. The kind of life that I saw my grandmother live. Small patch of dirt and a simple home on it, with her garden, her chickens, and the communal oven down the lane.
It doesn't sound glamorous, I realize, but compared to the alternative, it's highly appealing to me.

The conclusion of this chapter.

"What a long strange trip it's been" or so the Grateful Dead sang. Indeed, life is full of wonderful twists and turns, opportunities to consider and lessons to be learned.
As this week brings the conclusion of a long and often times challenging journey, I can't help but reflect that I have no regrets, overall. Sure, there is pain I could have done without, but life is love and love includes pain, so, we must accept the whole package. I am so grateful to be able to look back and see the personal progress I made from a dark, angry, bitter place to one filled with joy, peace and love. The love of my son, the love of great friends and the potential for peace in the future, both for myself and humanity.

I will not kid myself that there isn't some inherit trepidation, even occasional anxiety about what might lay ahead. Like most people, I find it really easy to get into a routine, even a bad one. But there is no stopping progress, no putting the Genie back in the bottle.

I am so full of gratitude and humbled by the support and love that my friends have shown me. It is not everyday that I find my faith in humanity restored.

Thank you to Grant for helping bring me here, to this wonderful, loving place full of friends that truly "get me" and share my hopes, dreams and wishes for the future. Where we can work together, side by side, learn and grow and "Be the change we want to see in the world".


*** PS ***

4 words but a big illusion

simple yet emotional confusion

its a animatic intrusion

above all a never ending disillusion.

love knows the art of breaking you apart

making reality depart

tearing you a part

when love dies

it conjures liesbreaking all ties

as a broken heart cries..

love gives you too much pain

drives you insane promises in vain

never trust love again..

Early results are very promising

For the whole of my life I have been highly empathic and more often than not, it has been at the cost of my emotional well being. Therefore, after many decades of repeating this experience I finally reached the conclusion that it is not a sensible long-term state of existence and decided to switch it off. (Minor adjustments are not possible as it is an on/off switch).
What does that mean in practical terms? It's the attitude I see around me most often. The "I don't get involved" shrug. The only perspective that matters is "me, mine, I".
For example, in past (as well as the current) relationships, I always put the relationship first, ahead of me and my needs. If my mate needed something, I would be there, even if it meant losing sleep, or money or time or whatever. Always there to listen and support and help sort things out, etc.

Over the last month or more however, I have adopted this new approach to life and have put my needs/wants/desires first. If something needs doing, I don't just jump in as I use to, but rather consider things differently. "Is this my mess?" or "do I feel like it?" or "what's in it for me?" and so on. This has been applied across the board, from employment, volunteer work, friendships, etc. and even though it is counter-intuitive and sometimes I still have the compulsion to be "helpful" am I learning that its best if I mind my own business.

The end result has been: greatly reduced stress, an increase in time available to pursue my interests and hobbies, and overall people seem to be more interested in my opinions and generally spending time with me the more I am "unavailable".

I have also adopted the "polite facade" and seldom if ever tell people the honest truth. I don't lie, no, that's going too far. But I have learned the benefits of "keeping my mouth shut" and never expressing a real or honest opinion or point of view. Just about everything is met with "that's great" response, no matter how stupid or inane I feel it is. Seems people are happier living with bullshit and insincerity. Why should I bother trying to wake them up to facts and reality?

Let's be clear though, there are still a few people that I consider "real friends" and we do discuss things openly and honestly, even if when we disagree with each other. Nivie, Adam, Pip and Tiff come readily to mind. Real people with real opinions and feelings. Very worthwhile. But for the most part, everyone else seems satisfied with the "polite" facade, so why spoil things? If they choose to believe that I agree with them or concur with their advice, so be it.

I am also learning that it's better to not offer an opinion or even tell someone they are heading off a cliff, but permit them to learn from falling on their face. Finally accepted that it's not my responsibility or job to prevent other people from stepping in a big stinking pile of shit. As a matter of fact, there are a couple of folks that in past have argued and refused to listen to reason, and these people are especially gratifying to see struggle and fail. Think it sounds petty and small? Well, perhaps, but like I said, you can't argue with results.

Take work for example. For the last decade I have been taken for granted and my work stolen and credit given to lackeys and so on. So, now, I let them struggle with the smallest things and if no one asks for my assistance, I don't offer it. Why should I bother?
Prelim results indicate that this is the best approach as I was nominated for an award from our department. You can't argue with results.

Another example would be my "boyfriend" and I say that with quotes because in reality he is merely a roommate with occasional "benefits". I started off as is typical of me in intimate relationships, offering up my best freely and hoping that I might get some of it back. But as it turns out, that is not the case. So, now that I am no longer "bat shit crazy in love with him" and he sees the difference, he is suddenly interested in what I am doing, how I am feeling, and wants to be with me. That's fine, his company is not offensive, but I no longer have the same emotional vestment. It is freeing actually. Tons of time has become available to me again by not bothering to cook for him, or wait for him or look after him the way I did before. I no longer invite him along, and suddenly he is eager to be in my company. You can't argue with results.

Then there is the volunteer work I do. I use to be so dedicated that I was committed to something 4 nights a week just within one organization. At the cost of my health - both physical and mental - and what was the end result? Did anyone appreciate my efforts, my dedication? No. So, when it came time again to commit to the next year, I opted out. When asked to participate in a lesser capacity, I thought about it "what's in it for me?" and decided nothing. The role would not be very satisfying for me. So, politely I made some excuse about having other obligations and left it at that. Now, all of a sudden, it's "oh we miss you". What a crock of insincere horse shit! But again, can't argue with results.

People who call themselves my "friend" but are only available when they have needs, I make polite excuses and don't bother following up with them. When I was all thoughtful and considerate and offered this assistance or whatever, again, taken for granted and put on a shelf until the next time they needed something. The endless excuses I would make for people's poor behaviour and thoughtlessness now make me wonder just why I tolerated it for so long. Well, I guess you could say I am stubborn and really did think that being honest, sincere and a true friend mattered for something in life. I am a great many things, but too stupid to learn from my own mistakes, I am not.

So, I will continue on this path and keep you posted on the journey.

Moving forward, the only direction to go.

There really is only one direction life can move, and that is forward. We take lessons from the past, we deal with the here and now, but ultimately, it is the future we are always heading towards.

Our collective future, if all things remain the same, is not looking so bright that I need wear shades. It's actually rather frightening when you understand how the noose is being tightened while the people sleep. You may be familiar with my other blog, The Dreamworx Project, where I share the information about our collective reality that I hope will wake people up. However much I would like for everyone to wake up and take part in shaping their own life and therefore their future, I also have come to accept that many will perish of their own free will. They simply refuse to accept what is so clearly in front of them. As Michael Ruppert says "When the Titanic is sinking, there are three kinds of people on board. Those that are sitting at the bar having another martini (the ones that like to deny facts and accuse the messenger of being a "conspiracy nut"). There are those that are running around the decks yelling "someone do something". Finally, there are those, that have accessed their situation and are looking around for others that are searching for lifeboats."

Guess which one I would rather be in that scenario? That's right, experience has taught me that you seldom have enough time to do a "course correction" even if you are aware of the iceberg you are heading towards.

Did some "gut math". There are no hard numbers being calculated, but rather accessing the "gut feelings" I get from the information I find. It can be called intuition, whatever, just NOT psychic. I make no such claims. But I do trust my intuition and it's telling me that best case scenario, I have 5 years to set myself up for long term survival in something that barely resembles "comfort and security". If you're thinking that I am speaking of some kind of "American-style, militia-type of compound" and such, you're way off base, and clearly unfamiliar with me. Peace is the only future I want to be a part of. And a cache of whatever kind of armaments is the furthest from the future I want to help create.

No, what I speak of are the basics of life. Something familiar to Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

So, you can see why I say, even in a "best case" scenario-type calculation, I figure 5 years is being optimistic. Just getting myself set-up in a self-sustainable, clean and friendly "home" is something that I realistically can't accomplish alone. Just the basics of life like water, food and shelter, in a world without affordable or clean energy, perhaps the collapse of the monetary system, where purchasing power is left only to the elite and the rest are turned into slaves in one way or another.

We are so dependant on oil for our daily comforts, and those of us in the west that are pampered and spoiled are going to feel it the hardest. We're too fat and lazy and our thinking has been diminished by the endless mindless drivel that is used for propaganda to keep people asleep and obedient, that passes for entertainment.

I personally see two generations of kids that suffer from "failure to launch" syndrome. There is the physical ones - the ones that won't move out of or have moved back into, their parent's basement. And the emotionally stunted ones that might have a bit of Independence in them, but in reality it is merely an illusion. Mentally they are still children, in their pursuits, in their interests, in their hobbies, in their unwillingness to deal with any kind of reality or criticism. Always sheltered and coddled, these poor babes are growing up insecure and scared of their own shadow. So, there goes my retirement, these kids are underemployed, under motivated and over pampered.

There are however, enough people out there that are also aware of what is going on and are "doing" something to prepare for it. Some yes, are gun totting nuts, but they don't really need an excuse, they just like the lifestyle and the closed mindedness that goes with it.

The ones I speak of, are the sane and rational ones that are "building a lifeboat". Learning how to be less reliant on the grid. How to acquire the basics of life like water, food and shelter. When we were young we called it Scouts and Guides, and those organizations built confident and self aware individuals that grew up to excel in their life's pursuits. Now it's time to take those skills to the next level and as adults not only re-learn them for our own self-preservation, but teach them to the younger ones. Along with the teaching of the practical matters of life, we need to teach them how to grow up and take care of themselves. Like the mammals in the wild, the young may "play fight" while the adults sit lounging nearby, but in actuality, the cubs/pups, etc are growing and learning how to hunt, etc. But when it comes time to go out and really hunt down supper, the young ones better keep up or they'll starve. That might sound a bit drastic or over dramatic, but the lack of common sense and deductive reasoning and just down right stupidity that I see daily, makes me shake my head in wonder at the prospect of the survival of our species. People need to stop sleep walking, or perhaps wear a sign so those of us awake and aware of our surroundings don't trip over them.

But enough bitching, again, need to move forward and keep focused and not distracted. I have 5 years to hopefully get to the third level of the chart, and from there I could work on the top two levels.

It's going to take some growing pains, I can see that already. Really will have to learn to deal with a team, and I will have no or little say in who makes up this team. Luckily, most of the people already working with me towards this "lifeboat" are people I wouldn't object to being stuck in a lifeboat with. There are a couple that I could really do without, but it is my hope that when the time comes, they will have moved onto another boat or generally moved on. I have faith that all things work out for the best in the end.

It's all simple, once you make up your mind.

That is what I have done, simply made up my mind. Once the emotions run themselves out, once the reality is digested and accepted for what it is, there is only one thing left to do. Make up one's mind about what they want to do with their life. So, it has come to that point in my life once again, when I can say with total confidence, that I gave it my most honest, sincere and dedicated attempt, but finally have to be realistic. Accept what is and not try to wish it were otherwise.

Primarily I speak of my personal relationships. First among them is the one with my "Imzadi", but that's the saddest part of this realization, it's that we're not really two souls fated to explore life's many wonders together. He is a real love, a wonderful and marvelous human being, and I will always adore him and cherish the time we spent together. After much heart wrenching I finally had to accept that I have a limited role in his life and there are interests that he won't share with me, even to discuss them. Discussing, talking, conversing, yes, that is our old tune. Me complaining about his lack on verbal communication, him feeling bad and mentally beating himself up (and once again shutting me out) and round and round.
Well, as the kids say "been there, done that". I don't want to go on being a nagging old hag. Therefore it is with regret, that I say to you moro mou, "You win".
I won't hassle you again about talking to me, or sharing your thoughts with me. It is my sincerest hope, that by not pressuring you, you might learn to trust me and trust in us, to talk to me about things other than what should we make for dinner. Real cuddles and soft pillow chats like we used to have. I really do miss them. But I have to respect your space and your wants/needs. Also, the limited words, are often contradicted by the actions and as mentioned in our many heart-to-hearts, when those two things conflict, experience and logic dictate that I pay attention to the actions and ignore the words.
So, agapi mou, you win. You don't want to talk, I won't pressure you. You don't want to share your interests with me, I respect that and back away. You rather spend time with your friends exploring and discussing those interests, I also respect that and back off. As much as it hurts me, I have to protect my heart and remind myself that it's not healthy to put too much of one's self into a relationship, risk losing one's own identity.

Now, given all this free time that I find myself with, I would like to do something useful and even perhaps on occasion productive. I still have the inner desire I did when I was 4, "I want to help people".

This is where another decision based on the reality of the situation comes in. This original movement that I have found. It really is the spirit of the age, and I find it is a good vehicle for getting people to wake up to our shared reality. Yet, in this involvement as well, I have concluded that the best thing to do is limit how much of myself and my resources I invest. It is the closest thing to my personal beliefs that I have ever found in an organization or movement, due to the fact that I don't believe in religion as a whole, or find any truth or usefulness to politics, and having tried different volunteer organizations, well, all those experiences seem to have led me here. So, here is where I accept the reality of the situation, and decide that I don't have to argue to get what I want, I just go ahead and proceed anyway. That's the beautiful thing about a movement, especially one that is predicated on the idea of individual action and accountability, I don't have to check with anyone when I want to proceed. There is no time to waste arguing with negative or critical people. That goes for those that are part of the movement, or those that I come into contact with on the street outreach events. Either people get it, or they don't. I always hated sales anyways. I know as a consumer I don't want someone pestering me to buy their product. I know my own mind and if I want it, I will go get it. It is with this philosophy in mind that I go forward. It's also not about just agreement that I am after. I welcome a healthy debate based on empirical facts, but when it starts to decay into emotionally driven rhetoric, I must remember to politely back away and let them have it. The only way I am going to "win" is to move on to find someone else that is ready to listen and discuss our common challenges as human beings. So, to those both in the movement and not, I say "you win". Go about things as you see fit and I will do the same, there is no reason to squabble and create bad vibes.

Lastly, we come to those "friends" or "frenemies" as the kids call them, and to them I won't dedicate too much time to, other than to say "you win". You wanted to play it like that, your choice and I respect that. But don't think I am not paying attention to your character. I simply avoid confrontations and big dramatic scenes, and do as my parents used to call it "the polite British "fuck you". Often referred to as "no, thank you". Seems simple written, but you know the underlying message by the tone of the voice, the body language, etc. For you, well, I could get all trash talking here, but what would be the use? Didn't work out, all the best in your life's journey. Just understand, that when the time comes (not IF, but rather WHEN), you simply won't be part of my life boat team.

Because as Michael Rupert says, "when the Titanic is going down, you have three types of people. Those that are sitting by the bar having another drink calling you an alarmist or conspiracy theorist, you have those that are running around like chickens with their heads cut off not knowing what do, and you have a small group of people that are trying to figure out how to launch a lifeboat." Take a wild guess which group I want to be a part of? Correct, because this time, it's not just survival of the fittest, it's survival of the smartest and best prepared.

Bottom line is biology, the need to maintain one's life. So, I am not going to bother arguing with people that don't share my views, they are welcome to theirs. I am not going to bother feeling bad about those that wouldn't listen to me when I was warning them that they were going off the cliff. Hope they at least enjoyed the view on the way down. I have to look after myself, and more than happy to help look after the one's that want to join me in helping ourselves come through this collapse with our humanity and dignity intact. Everyone else is on their own and I wish them all the very best, truly, I wish no ill towards anyone, but I can't sit around and wait to be proven right. "Sorry, you were right, wish I'd listened to you", heard that one too many times, and the error was with me, because I wanted to believe in the other person's wishful thinking, but in my gut, I knew otherwise, but I squashed it. Not this time, there is far too much at stake.

If you're reading this and are having a hard time understanding the context, don't worry, means you don't know me. If you are someone that perhaps relates to this, let me know, I am always curious about who comes across my posts, since they are mostly my personal journals - of sorts.

Lastly, if you're one of the people I mention, you'll at least appreciate that I didn't give away too much identifying information and respected your privacy, even on the Internet.

I just wanted to get this down for the record, because I try to avoid grandiose public displays and confrontations, you may call it "passive-aggressive" but I call it "Prove me wrong".

A voice nearly alone, speaking out

Don't let the facts scare you, allow them to wake you up and motivate you into action. Don't let the fear mongers scare you into continuing to sit and take their lies and propaganda.
While Michael Rupert speaks of scary things, he also grants us time to gear into action to avoid repeating our errors. Or for the younger generation, think of him as Morpheus, and you get to be Neo. Which pill will you take Neo? Time to choose.

Tired, so tired.

Not sure what brought on this mood, but lately my patience has been running on empty. I am so tired, tired of people in general. I try to find the good, the positive in everyone I meet. But what can I do? How do I ignore my first impression, my gut reaction? I try, I really do. I constantly doubt it, give everyone the benefit to prove me wrong. But 97% of the time it just plays out exactly like I knew it would. It gives me no pleasure to be sure. I crave the rare moments when someone surprises me with their sincerity, integrity, honesty and humour.

I don't even know where to start. How to fully express what it is that is making me so fatigued with humans and their social interaction. Or their pretense at said "interaction".
Well, here's hoping the mood passes soon.

Peace, let's give it a chance.

I mean really, strictly from a logical perspective, we've tried everything else imaginable. Everything that is negative, destructive, counter-productive, wasteful, counter-intuitive to most of us. Yet, we don't go for the the simplest, most obvious answer, peace.

Again, thinking about it logically, from a "household" perspective, you, your significant other, perhaps a child or children, perhaps a pet(s), even plants if you have 'em. When you are in harmony with all of the above and are in harmony with your neighbours, are you not better able to think and function? To say nothing of happiness, joy or all other positive emotions. Just on the simplest level, you can function in your everyday life more efficiently.

If you live in a constant state of chaos, disharmony and conflict, you wouldn't get anything done. You'd be sleep deprived, financially strapped, bloody and stressed out. Right, so you strive for balance and harmony within your own little world. So, let's expand on that shall we? Now let's spread this to our neighbouring provinces/states and environs. "Oh how lovely to take this drive on a sunny Sunday afternoon to County X". Not bad, now we're getting the idea. Let's continue on across the border to the east, followed by the west, north and south. "Isn't that grand? Travelling through the airport like a worthwhile human being, with just my passport and luggage. No need to search me or stress me out with silly rules, because no one is here to do harm to anyone else."

Sounds a tad far fetched? Idealistic? Perhaps, given the current state of affairs, but there is no logical reason why it can't be as such. Like John says in "Imagine", "you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." No John, you weren't and still aren't the only one. There are lots of us who simply can't see the point of all the wars, hunger, depravity and general human suffering. Perhaps it is because we can't stomach the thought of profiting off of the misery of others. Perhaps we're just naive and idealist, or just perhaps, we're just a little bit further ahead on the curve. We've perhaps seen in our minds what CAN be and find it difficult to let go of that ideal.
What does give me hope though is that the numbers of those that are starting to turn the corner in their own human evolution, is rapidly growing. When this number reaches "critical mass", it will indeed be the dawning of a new age in human development.

As for the video below, I think it speaks volumes in it's simplicity and message. I think it's interesting that of all the places John and Yoko could have picked to hold their "love in" was a hotel room in Montreal, Canada. Yeah, I am proud of what my country stands for. Take it away John and Yoko and a bunch of half naked hippies! :D

2010 Handbook


1. Drink plenty of water.

2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.

3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants..

4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy

5. Make time to pray.

6. Play more games

7. Read more books than you did in 2009 .

8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day

9. Sleep for 7 hours.

10. Take a 10-30 minute walk daily. And while you walk, smile.


11. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.

14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.

16. Dream more while you are awake

17. Envy is a waste of time You already have all you need..

18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with His/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.

19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.

20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.

21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.

23. Smile and laugh more.

24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree...

25. Call your family often.

26. Each day give something good to others.

27. Forgive everyone for everything..

28. Spend time w/ people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.

29. Try to make at least three people smile each day

30. What other people think of you is none of your business.

31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick Your friends will. Stay in touch. Life:

32. Do the right thing!

33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

34. GOD heals everything.

35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change..

36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

37. The best is yet to come..

38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.

39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

New year brings new adventures

One just never knows what fun and excitement life has in store. Been doing some more bonding with my Imzadi and it turns out my big strong manly man, wants to be mine. I mean totally, submissive, all mine. He wants me to be his hypnodomme. (Hope that doesn't include a great deal of high heel wearing). But all kiddin' aside, he just never stops amazing me with the new and exciting ways he just pushes all the right buttons.
So, we've decided that we're going to start off with something simple, some "vanilla hypnosis" just to get us more familiar with the process and improve my technique, of which I really have none, since this is all new to me.
The short term goal is to control his erection and ejaculation with a trigger word. How delish is that? ;) Having my young hottie totally under my supreme control, makes me all gummy inside already, can't wait.
But as in all new things in life, one must prepare and perform their due diligence. So I have been doing some research on the overall area of hypnosis, and the more esoteric sexual aspects. A great deal of it really amuses me, only because of the "hypno for fee", just making a buck any which way I guess. But, that is neither here nor there I suppose, because this is about us and our evolving into true Imzadi. Bonding in ways that most couples wouldn't dare explore, and doing it with our hearts and eyes wide open, and in trusting each other, free ourselves from our limiting chains.
I am so excited to start, it's the most daring thing I have done in a long time. Guess I am taking this rather seriously, but it's just a huge turn on for me to have someone basically submit in such a grand scale.