Rob Ford - Megacity Megawuss

What a pathetic excuse for a human being, nevermind a politician Mayor Ford is. I don't know where to begin with this guy. From the fact that he looks like Jubba The Hut trying to climb a case of stairs? That he has the personality of a baffoon? That he is a typical bully and when called on his B.S. he runs home?

I don't know why people bother voting and especially voting for such close minded, pathetic and clearly incompetent people. Individuals with clearly no sense of humour or grace or manners or aren't complete hypocrits.

Come on Toronto, surely we can do better. Maybe Elmo is available, it's worth asking.



There has been a great deal of "political correctness" over the last couple of decades, a radical swing from the previous racist, homophobic, misogynistic, intolerant, to one where even pedophiles and wife abusers have "rights" before the abused.

Well, this is not acceptable. When - as the demotivational poster above states - Tolerance applied to evil is a crime, and I for one will not put up with it. I don't care if the guise used is religion, or cultural or ethnic or whatever. I will stand up and expose those that commit disgusting acts against women, children, animals and anyone vulnerable and exploited. This includes commercial and political interests.

Take the case of the armpit of South East - Bangladesh. Here are some lovely stats to be proud of people of Bangladesh.

- Two-thirds of young girls are compelled to enter marriage at a young age. This practice is not limited to slums and rural villages. According to the United Nations State of the World’s Children, the rate of child marriage in Bangladesh is 64%; it affects 58% of girls in urban areas and 69% in rural areas.

- A recent publication from UNICEF entitled “The State of the World’s Children” reports that one in three Bangladeshi girls are married by the age of 15, 2 in 3 by the age of 18.

- Wife abuse as a right
Shaheen is just another example of hundreds of thousands of young married women who are beaten nearly to death by their husbands every day. “We, women, are helpless. There is no one to help us. Who is there to help us, to stop our husbands beating us? No one likes to be beaten. It hurts a lot.” With these words, she unveils the story of spousal abuse and other forms of violence against women in Bangladesh. This violence takes various forms such as battering, domestic and dowry-related violence, acid attacks, rape, fatwa (the Islamic law issued by an Imam, the leader of a mosque), sexual harassment in the workplace, and even human trafficking.

- Islam as a religion of love and peace - what a disgusting lie.
A fourteen-year-old girl who was raped by her 40-year-old married pedophile cousin has been whipped to death in Bangladesh. According to the Daily Star, the killing followed an Islamic religious ruling, or fatwa, that sentenced the child, named Hena Begum (also Hena Akhter or Hena Akhtar), to 100 whip lashes. Such edicts are prohibited by law in Bangladesh, a mostly Muslim country of 162 million people in South Asia, but allowed under Islamic Sharia law. The girl fell unconscious after receiving 80 lashes and was rushed to the hospital where she died of her injuries.

- Islam and Mohammed

And this is supposed to tolerated? Well, perhaps if your ethical and moral compass is broken, this would be acceptable. But not to me and I will not be bullied into silence and I will not go quietly into that good night.

But don't think I discriminate. The same goes for Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Orthodox and anyone else who tries to hide behind religious freedom and tolerance.

I am merely observant

So does it make me a bad person to be observant and take advantage of a situation not of my making?

Hmmmm. See, here's the thing. I was trying to BUY something from the junk food vending machine downstairs earlier and it wouldn't accept my money. Got a bit frustrated trying to figure out why this was so, when I saw that the display showed "Test". So, I tried just pressing the desired number selection and "Whamo!!" out comes the candy, free of charge!

Could this really be true? Let's be scientific about it and try again. WHAM! more freebies!!

Well, for the sake of science, we must endeavour once again to verify that this is so. BLAM!

So, now, everytime I go down, I stop and get more stuff.

Does this make me a bad person? I didn't do anything to the machine. I merely observed its condition and am taking advantage of it. Alright, I also refrained from telling anyone else at work, because I want it all for myself and I want to see how long before the vending machine company catches on.