The Road Ahead

What comes next? What could possibly be around the bend? There really is no way to know, especially if it's a road one's never travelled on before. I guess that is where "faith" comes into play.

So it is with this faith that I move forward and I have to say, the ride is a rather good one. It happened almost the second I started cleaning out the dead weight from my life. The psychic constipation that I seemed to have been suffering from. Joy, Grant, Frankie, Tommi, James, flushed out and cleared the way for my tribe and Sarah and whomever might be a good fit and a keeper going forward. Speaking of keepers, those are the only ones that are permitted in my sphere of influence. People with integrity that know who they are and what meaningful contribution they are willing to make in this life.
Those that are strictly here to take and consume and are primarily interested in their own hedonistic, self-indulgence, they are not suitable for the life boat that we are constructing, and will have to be left behind.
See, because I have this feeling, that what 2012 will mean in practical terms is a mass awakening and it will take a great deal of courage to face the reality of our current broken down and ineffective system of living. It is not an easy realization to arrive at, even when you arrive at it on your own good time, but in the case of those hardwired into the matrix that we call "modern monetary driven life", they will either have a meltdown or grow up and face facts, but either way, it will come to that.
Not because I say so, or because I know I am right, but because life is a constantly evolving entity and nothing stands still. Either you keep up, or get left behind (a nice way of saying "extinct).
Nothing personal, just fact.
So, I am not willing to sit back and let those that are fast asleep lull me into another nap. I was right in 1990 and glad I didn't buy into the housing market when everyone else was losing their minds, only to later lose their hard earned money.
I am glad I stuck to my values and didn't get sucked into the "boiler room" scams of the mid 90's while working with "entrepreneurs".
So it is this time around, I know what I know and the facts are irrefutable. We are fast approaching the collapse of our oil driven life as we have come to be born into and know, and the facts don't lie. Between the contamination of our planet, the hunger, disease, poverty and overall imbalance that we have created, we are coming to the point of no return. Either we change our faulty ways, or this living organism we call "Earth" is going to go into survival mode and shake us off like a dog does with fleas when they become too overwhelming.
Yet rather than focus on what is wrong, my tribe and I prefer and find it more productive to focus on what we know how to do right. That is, create a sustainable life model for ourselves, even within this flawed system. "Be the change" we want to see in the world.
So, the road is taking me (us) to a place of our creation and it's going to be so much fun. Hard work, no doubt as nothing worthwhile is without sacrifice and sweat, but what better way to spend one's time?
So, we're unplugging from the matrix one step at a time. Starting with Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Food, water, shelter. Nothing overly complicated at this point. Just learning the basics about going back to the basics. The kind of life that I saw my grandmother live. Small patch of dirt and a simple home on it, with her garden, her chickens, and the communal oven down the lane.
It doesn't sound glamorous, I realize, but compared to the alternative, it's highly appealing to me.