Cuddle Party underway

(Not a picture of our cuddle party)

This past Wednesday my Cuddle group had our first cuddle party, and it might be my biased opinion, but I think it was a success, a definite good start. We were a small gathering, what I suspect might end up being the core of our group, but hopefully with time and proper promotion, the core group will grow and strengthen.

I must say, it was a rather unique experience, stepping that far out of my comfort zone, leading a cuddle party of all things. On a personal note, it was scary in its unfamiliarity, but exciting because of it. Good to have the old juices flowing again, and not in a sexual way, but really opening up one's mind to experiencing contact with another adult in a purely platonic affectionate manner.

This is not to say that there weren't biological reactions, all around, but being with this respectful group of men, it didn't turn into something uncomfortable.

Now all we have to do is convince more women that this cuddle group has what they have been searching for in a non-tactile world.