To hell with manners

Did anyone else see this very interesting and timely show? I don't believe in coincidence and so after coming home from a peace meeting, and just randomly turning on the tv and this show was just starting, got me thinking. I mean sure, I can (and often do to myself) bitch about how stupid this person is behaving or how rude this person was, but in the end, the only one I have any control over is myself. So I decided there and then to offer hugs to anyone that wanted them. Free, no strings attached and genuine. Mind you I am not "militant" about it, so it's not like I walk around wearing a sign or chasing people down on the street to hug them. No, simply taking Mahatma Ghandi's words to heart when he said "Be the change you want to see in the world". I am also planning on joining one of the groups featured on the documentary, "JoinMe". I figure I could preach and rant and rave and complain, or I could DO something about it. So, I am offering cuddles, hugs, affection and genuine friendship to anyone who is able to accept it.
Therefore, if you live in Toronto, and would like to accept my offer, just contact me with a recent face pic, whatever introduction you care to make and a contact phone number. I will reply with same. Please use the heading "Free cuddles" in the subject so it won't end up in the spam folder.