Nobody speaks up

I think someone said that all evil needs to exist is for good people to say/do nothing.

So it seems in our modern "politically correct", "non-judgemental" society, that no one is ready to speak up no matter how small the matter might be. A slight course correction now, might have saved us all a great many heart and head aches. But noooooo, we're too concerned about "rocking the boat" or "I don't want to cause trouble".

To my way of thinking, this is the reason we're in this mess we're in. Because someone saw what Goldman Sacks was doing and said nothing. Because someone saw what Bears/Sterns was up to, but "didn't want to be a whistle blower".

So here we sit in a big smelly pile of manure and we're all trying to pretend like it doesn't stick to high heaven. That the methane that the pile is emitting is just a nice evening glow. That somehow if we just repeat our actions again and again, we'll somehow get out of this mess. Economic, social, environmental, ethical, moral, personal decay.

So, here it is people. If we don't speak up when we see something is wrong, we have no one to blame but ourselves when the excrement interfaces with the rotating blades.

Therefore, to those on public transit, here is the proper etiquette:

- When using a napsack/backpack - be considerate and practical when travelling in public transit during rush hours and carry it when not walking to/from your destination. You'll have a great fewer people cursing you under their breath.

- When walking down the side walk and you are in a group of 3 or more, you can't all walk abreast, two by two at best. Think of it like driving, you wouldn't get into the oncoming lane when there are other cars coming at you. Again, be considerate of others around you. You don't own the sidewalk and I will not move over to accommodate you. Yes, I will let you bash into me and give as good as I get and if you want to follow that up with your "entitlement" attitude, be prepared to deal with th backlash.

- When getting into an elevator, let the people out first. Simple I know, but you'd be surprised how many people don't.

- Same goes for when you're getting into a public transit vehicle. Let the other people out first.

We'll leave it at this for now, but suffice it to say, it is proof positive what happens when a whole generation is left to be raised by Barney and the mass media. Parents should teach their children common sense and common courtesy instead of giving them money and a sense of entitlement and sending them off into the world.