"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" or so go the lyrics to one of rock's classic rock tunes. The theme of the song is just that, the more things change, the more they stay the same. The old regime comes in promising to be different than the old one, and in the end they screw us as well, just in a different way. While that might sound cynical, it is fact. Yet, there is still hope, if nothing else, because as I look around at the media sources, and what they seem to deem "newsworthy" I have to hang on to that last little bit of hope and I get on my knees and pray, we won't get fooled again.
Fooled how? Africa, Global Warming, the middle East, the issues and situations around the world that deserve our attention, our efforts, are getting side=tracked by the nonesense and bullshit of the Anna Nicole Smith's, the "look-what-she's-wearing".
So, I will spell it out for you.
They (the powers that be) want to distract your attention and focus from what they are up to around the world.
From Iraq and the oil interests, and Afghanistan and the heroin interests, to various African countries and their natural resources. And while we are on the subject of Africa, don't let those Colonialists fool anyone into thinking that they are ready to give up their interests in the "dark continent". History is the greatest of teachers, and those with the most to gain/lose in Africa have no intention of giving up their rule. "So, you want independence? Sure, we'll just pack up our mines and leave." (But while we are at it, we will ruin your country by funding every crap-pot despot in the mountains/jungles, and give you a blood bath the likes you have never witnessed. We will bring you to your knees economically, and make you beg to be our colony under our benevolent rule again.)
The only thing this generation have over previous ones caught up in this type of situation, is our ability to communicate freely. The internet isn't only for the disimmination of misinformation, it is here also to help raise awareness among the peace loving among us.