We have all come across telemarketers, but there seems to be a whole new dumb breed of telesolicitors that needs reviewing. These are the ones that call up a random department in a large metropolitan hospital (I won't say which one, it is known), and ask to speak with the person in charge of ____________________. It could be I.T., the person who purchases printer toners, etc. And when I point out to them that they have in fact reached a medical department, there comeback is "yes, and doesn't X hospital purchase _________?"
And so dear reader, I have given up trying to be reasonable, polite or even remotely nice. I now make it my hobby, to be as insulting as possible just to see how long before they clue in. So, my reply to their attitude, is more attitude of my own, "well, you should do your homework and find out who that person is, I don't know."
The last person who tried to engage in verbal duel, was handed their lousy salesperson ass on a platter and they asked to speak with our switchboard. I pity the fools, they don't suffer idiots kindly in our switchboard. (hehehehehehehe)
So, to all you summer students who think u can just google a big hospital and get some random numbers, DON'T BE SO LAZY!!!! Do some research, use your brain, do your homework.
To the companies that hire these diliquents, if you want to remain in business, hire and train better staff. At the very least, give them some better leads, do YOUR homework.