Those words are batted around a great deal of late, mostly in connection with the Mayan calendar, 2012, etc. But I ask you dear reader to stop for one minute and think about those words carefully and logically. Because to my way of thinking, it comes down to where you're sitting when you hear them. What I mean is this: If you have lived a life of hunger, need, want and abuse, and someone comes along and says "Life as you know it will change forever", you're probably thinking "Finally this shit will be over!!" That's the hope, anyways, that things are changing for the better. And if you're sitting pretty with mommy and daddy and your lapdog named "Mr. Tickles" and someone says the same thing, you're no doubt going to think the worse and freak out and do everything in your power to maintain the status quo. So really, it's not bad or good, just a matter of perspective.
But where a shift is concerned on a global scale and a paradigm alters the consciousness of a species is concerned, matters get a bit more complicated. I think that with 7 billion people on the planet now, it will take some culling before we're able to evolve onto our next level of existence. Now those who read the above and translate it into "genocide" or something of the sort, and try to use me as a target for their misguided fear. I often hear things like "so, my husband and I have 7 children, which one of them would you have killed?" Now when Jacque Fresco is asked such an assinine question, he takes the high road and answers that "we need to educate people about living within the carrying capacity of the earth". Me, personally, I wish I could answer them honestly like "All of them, and I would line up your husband and yourself and have you shot on live TV to make an example of you and your selfishness." But that would not be politically correct.
What these people fail to understand is that not one person is going to make such decisions, no group of people are going to decide that another group of people should be wiped out. It will happen naturally, organically, but make no mistake, it will happen. The earth is only capable of providing life for a limited number of species, and like a big furry dog, it will shake off the fleas (humans) that are troubling its existence. So, please stop trying to blame me or Jacque or anyone else that is simply pointing out the obvious consequences of our actions. Instead, try to recalibrate how you think about yourself, the world around you and the relationship you have with it.