Occupying Wall Street or Bay Street or whatever street in your town is a great way to initialize a conversation with the powers-that-be. The thing you must keep in mind however, is that these people are merely a bi-product of a warped system, they are merely playing the game to the best of their abilities. They operate under a different paradigm then the 99% rest of us. So while open dialogue is great and a positive step in the right direction, what must ultimately happen for the system to gain the collective “reboot” that it requires, is for us (the majority) to starve it to death.
How do we go about that, considering how plugged into the monetary system most of us are? Well, start at home and start with the little things. Reconsider all you have, credit cards, debts, and other such “financial instruments” and remember, they are not real. Money is a construct, it is not real.
So, get rid of the excess, the credit cards, the debts, the ongoing headaches.
How do we go about that, considering how plugged into the monetary system most of us are? Well, start at home and start with the little things. Reconsider all you have, credit cards, debts, and other such “financial instruments” and remember, they are not real. Money is a construct, it is not real.
So, get rid of the excess, the credit cards, the debts, the ongoing headaches.
Do you really need all those mindless television channels? Get rid of the cable/satellite.
Do you really need to drive the car to the corner store for a bag of milk? Take the bike out of the garage, or better yet, walk.
How long are you going to hang on to those “things” that weigh you down? Rid yourself of the excess and feel how freeing it really is.
Mostly though, move your money to a credit union and out of the big banks, if you have investments, get into silver, real silver, not certificates that are worthless.
Most importantly, teach your children, the youth about what is really worthwhile and priceless in life. Relationships, friends, family, people. If there is one thing I have learned about me and money over the last 4 decades, it’s that I can always get more. Beg, borrow, earn, steal, whatever the method, there is always a way to get more. Time on the other hand, once wasted and gone, can never be retrieved.