A place for my personal views, gripes and pet peeves. Might give you a chuckle for the day, something to chew on, or indigestion, you never know.
Hugs and cuddles
Alright, so I can't always be complaining about what's wrong with stuff, not unless I offer a possible alternative to the status quo. Well, here's another reason I love Google, you can find anything, and everything is out there. So is National Hugging Day. Yes, there is such a day and I think more of us should participate. Especially those among us that prescribe to the philosophy of "I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member." That's all well and good, for the most part I agree with you, not much of a follower, or joiner. I simply think that somethings, and I don't believe I am wrong in this, are worth fighting for. So, I fight for our humanity, so the Matrix doesn't swallow us up whole.
The site for National Hugging Day says that it's January, but the date given is for 2008. I will keep you posted on the date for 2009. Won't you join in?
Click the title above for more info
or for articles on hugging - http://www.geocities.com/hugging_whining/Articles.html
On a related matter, check out this mattress, didn't even know such a thing existed. Wouldn't that be great to cuddle on? You wouldn't lose the circulation in your arm, because let's face it, there is always an extra arm and somehow nowhere to put it. But this looks ideal.