A place for my personal views, gripes and pet peeves. Might give you a chuckle for the day, something to chew on, or indigestion, you never know.
Dear American Cousins
To all my American cousin, I write to you today in the hopes that the time has come for you to open your eyes to the reality around you. For sometime now, I have watched as the very freedoms and liberties that you hold so dear and are out dying fighting for, are being stripped away from you.
Since September 11, 2001, you have been increasingly made to feel afraid of everyone and everything by an administration that is out to destroy the middle class. You have nothing to fear, not from Muslims, not from Pakistanis, not from Iraqis or Aghanis or anyone. No one is out to get you or take anything away from you, but your own government and the cronies that put him into place.
I know there are those Americans out there, both here and in the US that are wise to what is going on, they protest, they demonstrate, they write their congresspeople in an effort to gain back their civil liberties.
Join them, don't be made afraid of your neighbours, stand up for yourself and your family and your way of life. It is not under threat by anyone outside of the United States government and the 5 corporations that own your media outlets.
Break free from the constant barrage of "scare" and "fear" messages that you get from print, or television newscasting.
Because while the power elite have the masses occupied with hating each other, the powers that be have been busy stealing your retirement funds and your houses.
So, in closing dear cousins, let me just say, that we miss the good times we use to share, the laughs the common ground that we use to share before you were taken from us.
Your Canadian Cousin