Random Acts of Kindness

That picture is to help provide perspective for this posting, because that's about how big and how important we are individually in the universe. And so I muse about how we can all do one tiny thing to help us all. We don't have to invite the next stranger home to dinner, or even give money to the panhandler. Just tiny, almost insignificant acts of kindness. Holding the door open another second longer for the person behind you, not wearing your backpack or other luggage-sized purses etc., on public transit and smacking people in the face with it every time you turn to talk on your cell phone. And yes, cell phones, can we talk for a minute about cell phone usage? Is what you have to say (or hear - though more often than not it's about the talking) so important and time-sensitive that you need to use the cellphone everywhere?
Random acts of kindness people, don't have to be anything grandiose, largesse, just consideration and something the old folks use to talk about, common sense. It seems to be in use less and less these days, and that is becoming worrisome. Yes, it's alright to help a little old lady across the street, but not ok to cut in front of her and slow her down.
Being neighbourly is not difficult either. Keep your stuff on your own lawn, make sure it doesn't blow on the other side and shovel your entire portion of the side walk. And for the city dwellers that don't have miles of property to shovel, it's alright to shovel or assist the old couple next door. Call it Karma, call it whatever you like. Let's not get so caught up in the hurly burly of the workday that we forget the small acts that get us through that workday.

We don't have to love each other, that would be just too much to expect. But perhaps, we can put up better with each other? Just a nod and "hi" as we pass, doesn't hurt anybody.
