A place for my personal views, gripes and pet peeves. Might give you a chuckle for the day, something to chew on, or indigestion, you never know.
Spring is on the way!
This year is no different is those respects, but perhaps my perceptions and expectations may have changed. I am still looking forward to the clean warm and sunny days, and I am also anticipating many changes. I already see the signs, just like the early signs of spring, I see the changes to life as I have come to know it. There will be some messy situations, but overall, being surrounded by my amazing Zfriends and their willingness and determination to move forward, making those hard decisions together and working in unity to bring about the change we want to be in the world, it is rewarding.
The five year plan is coming along very well, and I might have to revisit that and perhaps add a few more items. Like the RV camper and Vespa that I want to get. The coming collapse is going to make it so that we will have to be mobile and versatile. Growing our own food, being able to survive creatively and collectively. Preparations must be made and there is no time left. But I don't want to be a chicken little, so I just keep things like that to myself. Well, not totally of course, because my Zfriends and I are working towards this goal of sustainability and independance from the system we are currently trapped in.
That's the way it can often be, no matter how lousy a situation or environment, we (people) are often like the "frog in the pot" annalogy that Al Gore used. We are becoming aware that the temperature around us is getting warmer, but it's not that uncomfortable yet, so we sit in the ever increasing temperature pot of water, and before we can make a break for it, it's too late, we're boiled.
Well, I guess there is no way to save anyone but myself, and so focus must be maintained. Spring is going to bring many changes.