Happy New Year - 2010

Another year behind me, another year full of promise and opportunity.
First for the old stuff. Well, it's over and done with. What is done, is indeed, done. Nothing I can do about it now.

Looking forward for the first time in a very very long time. Mostly I believe it is because I finally found someone I can believe in. Someone that loves me and doesn't just pay lip service to that, but actually shows me, and most especially, shows me in the ways that matter most to me. Because that's just who he is. A kind, considerate, sweetheart and loves me for me and despite all my faults and shortcomings. I have nothing to offer him but myself, and he asks for nothing but my love and attention. Because he knows I detest obligatory presents, especially where associated with a certain date on the calendar (birthdays, Christmas, etc.) he asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told him "you". So, you know what he did? He set a day we both had off aside to treat my inner Princess. He spent the day indulging me. Gave me a pedicure, took me to dinner, took me shopping, we cuddled for hours, and generally made me feel wonderful. Now, I ask you, what price could one put on that? Not to forget to also give him kudos because he understands the simple concept of "treat me kindly all year round and spare me the expensive gifts in lieu". I don't care for diamonds (hate to think someone might have lost an arm so I can have a shiny thing), or flowers (they die) or chocolates (well, maybe if they are Godiva chocolates ;), but you get the idea. His love is priceless and worth more than all the oil left in the Gulf.

So, 2010 brings with it many new important changes. My Imzadi is moving in with me (officially) in February. We are hoping that I might have one good egg left in me and with lots of loving, we can start our family. Now there is a notion I never thought I would have. I mean kids are great, I love them, especially when they are someone else's, but I never had this overwhelming urge to do any of the traditional stuff, i.e. marriage, kids, mortgage, etc. Guess it was a matter of finding the right person, finding my Imzadi. Now I find myself day dreaming about what might be. And let's be honest, "trying" to make a family is sure a fun process. ;)

To those people who came before him, you know who you are (Frankiie, Zhenya, James) all I can say is, "you had the same fair chance everyone else did, including my soul mate, but you chose to not treat me well". It wasn't circumstances or misunderstandings or miscommunication, or anything other than your complete and utter disregard for me and my needs, wants and feelings. And time after time you opted to treat me with no regard or consideration, but still have the balls to IM or email me "I want another chance". That's all you know how to do, is take. "I want, I want." What about what I wanted or needed? No thanks, you have proven yourself and you have nothing worthy to offer me. Please delete me from your contacts, I will simply ignore you going forward (the IM ignore list is ever expanding), because time is precious and I will not waste another single second on those that don't deserve my love, kindness and attention.

To my new friends, you know who you are (Kim, Pip, Tiff) I just want you know how much you are cherished and appreciated. I look forward to many more great times together in 2010 and going forward.

To my soulmate, agori mou, I adore you. To use an overused movie line, but the only words that really describe how I feel when we are together "You complete me". I miss you when you are out of sight and I often have to fight the urge to call you up just to hear your voice. You made me hope again and have faith in people and romantic relationships. I look forward to all the amazing things we will do together in 2010 as well as the rest of my life.

All the best to everyone in the coming new year!!

4 Secrets to a Spectacular Relationship

What do couples who describe their relationship as spectacular do differently than those who describe theirs as simply so-so? The differences are quite small, actually.
"When we look at happy couples, we see that great partnerships are not the result of hours of hard work," says relationship researcher Terri L. Orbuch, Ph.D., who followed 373 couples for over 22 years as part of a marriage study funded by the National Institutes of Health. "It's small changes in behavior and attitude that can transform your relationship." In her new book, "
5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great," Orbuch shares the steps you can take to a spectacular relationship.

#1. Understand Each Other's Needs
"The main reason marriages break up is not conflict, communication problems, or physical incompatibility," Orbuch says. "It's frustration -- the day-to-day disappointment of the gap between what you expect and how your partner acts -- that is most damaging." To diffuse that frustration, share your expectations with each other. Maybe you desire more affection and he craves more relaxed couple time. "And be sure to check in with your partner once a year, as added pressures or life changes can create new expectations," Orbuch says.

#2. Show Him Some Love
Men whose partners give them affirmation -- those words and gestures that show they are appreciated, respected, and loved -- are twice as likely to describe themselves as happy in their relationship. And men may need affirmation more than women, Orbuch's research showed. "Women are constantly receiving flattery from friends and even strangers who say, 'Love your outfit!'" she says. "But men don't get that recognition." Can you imagine a passerby stopping your guy to compliment him on how well his tie matches his shirt? Not gonna happen -- which is why men rely on that attention from their mates. Luckily, there's another payoff to your flattery: He's more likely to return those loving deeds back to you.

#3. Take 10
A weekly date night is always recommended as a way to reconnect, but sometimes all you need is a few minutes. "I call this the 10-Minute Rule: Take 10 minutes a day to talk about anything, except for responsibilities or chores," Orbuch says. Throw out Mom's old advice about how an air of mystery keeps the flame alive: Orbuch's research showed that 98 percent of happy couples say they intimately understand their partners.
And knowing your partner intimately isn't always about engaging in heavy conversations: Anything that helps you learn something new will bring you closer, Orbuch says. You can bond over why you think your dog is the smartest one on the block or which superpower you'd want most. You'll get to know each other's inner world and strengthen your bond of happiness.

#4. Focus on the Good
The best way to make your relationship better is to work at fixing what's wrong, right? Nope. "The most effective way to boost fun and passion is to add positive elements to your marriage," Orbuch says. "That positive energy makes us feel good and motivates us to keep going in that direction."
This doesn't mean that you can't feel -- or talk about -- anything negative, but "pretend you are weighing your interactions on a scale," she says. "If you want a happier relationship, the positive side needs to far outweigh the bad." The more you honor the love and joy in your bond, the sooner you'll transform your partnership into one that is truly great.
What are your thoughts? Have you been in such a relationship? Do you think it's really possible?

Found what I didn't even know I was looking for.

Who knew? I sure didn't. I just kind of snuck up on me, these feelings, this.....completeness. Not sure what all the worry, fuss and stress was about early on, maybe just insecurities rearing their ugly heads. Seems that the one-of-a-kind-type of guy you read about in those silly romance novels and hollywood movie scripts, does really exist. Don't let the girly-like giggles fool you though, it was a rough and often lonely road to get to here. Won't even get into the age thing, it's just too depressing, but let's just say that "dues have been duly paid". And now it's time to let go of the old insecure worries and enjoy the benefits of being in a loving relationship with another human being that "gets me". Truly can be characterized as "a unicorn". Funny isn't it? How often we have a gender associated with "animals" even ones of fantasy or lore. But for whatever stupid reason, I had always envisioned the "unicorn" as a female. hhmmm, will have to look that up in the psych literature. :P

There is a term in another fictional realm, the Betazedoids call it "Imzadi" and when you look it up in Wikipedia you find this explanation, which is as good as any I could come up with.
It would appear that I have found my Imzadi (or did he find me?)

Real Life, nothing beats it!

With all the techno-toys, gadgets and widgets, it's a little wonder that younger generations have little to no social skills. I don't know how many times a week, some random person will contact me on Yahoo! IM (have no idea how they find me, my privacy settings are rather closed) and try to chat me up. More often than not, it's the same conversation, asking me my stats, etc. nothing interesting to offer, most especially from the males. Just some free advise, online only friendships are booooooooring. When you can just "click" and leave a conversation, when you don't have to "deal", it's not real.
Nothing beats real life experiences, most certainly not online chat.

YouTube Dreamworx channel

Not sure why blogger lost the ability to embed video, but you can find Buddy Christ and much more on the Dreamworx YouTube channel.

All lousy things must come to an end.

Oohhhh noooo, whatever shall I do without "Friends Without Boundaries" and the other useless groups the gruesome threesome operate on MeetUp? Yes dear reader, guess TJ just couldn't take it as well as he can dish it out, wasn't into "keeping it real" when they are the ones in the hotseat and they gave me the boot.
LMAO, I can't help it, it's just too damn funny. The groups are shrinking as I type and the only ones left are the inert ones and the desperate single males.

Oh well, all lousy things must come to an end.

**Update to "You just can't buy class entry" **

Wanted to make sure to get this copied and pasted before she deleted it. Wish someone would come along and prove me wrong, but it doesn't look like its going to be this time around. I should mention that the numbers of the group have now dwindled down to 219 from 226.

Who needs cable eh? ;)

"52 couples (which strangely includes females) and about 22 all female couples (that would certainly be a needed necessity for the "all girl" play room and over 100 SINGLE FEMALES"

Haha, what a lie. There were like 15 guys and 2 women there. This was obviously just a cash-grab. No wonder your response was so defensive.

Whatever. I was curious. Turns out, swingers clubs are just what I expected - 90% men, mostly creepy and old.

Enjoy the $30 you got from me Victoria. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Edited by User 7,915,871 on Oct 30, 2009 8:24 AM

You just can't teach or buy "class".

I have been a member of several Meet Up groups over the last three years and while most of them have not met my needs, I like to think that I can still learn something from every experience. However, with this one group, I am still puzzling out exactly what the lesson here might be.

First a bit of the backstory to get you caught up. (Promise, this is the short version)

A year or so ago, I joined a Cuddle group on the meet up site, and was looking forward to something similar to the Cuddle Parties I had seen on YouTube. What I soon discovered was that the creation of this group was merely a luring device employed by the organizer to give himself a wide variety of women to hit up for some 1-on-1 "cuddling". The irony to this whole thing is that the typical gender make up of these types of groups is about a dozen guys for every female. So, I wasn't exactly flattered by the email asking me if I'd be interested in meeting privately. Soon thereafter the group organizer abandoned that tactic as well as the group.

Some time later another cuddling group was started, this one by a m/f couple, so I thought it would be more genuine then the single dude looking to score. How naive of me. Again, the same thing. Gender make up primarily male and the male organizer would only create events that permitted only one other participant. Not long after the male of the couple emailed me asking if I'd like to cuddle 1-on-1. When asked "what about the female partner?" was told that she was "shy" and so on. I declined and left the group.

So, time passes, I have my cuddling needs met, firstly by my boy toy and secondly by the cuddle group I started and host on Facebook. But am still a member of a group or two on Meet Up and when I received the following notice, I thought it rather funny and totally ignored it.

We saw your post and thought you'd be a perfect fit for the new group that we just started (The exotic erotic sexual fantasies and lifestyles meetup)...We're pretty much hand picking all of the members..Please check us out when you get a chance and let us know what you think.. xxx
TJ, Shannon and Vicky

But I did check out their profile and being brought up with tact and class, I kept what I thought of them to myself (no face pics, just some teasing body shots. You know what that means, "butta face"). Also there was no option to reply to them directly - they had blocked their email.

Again, time goes by, and one of my cuddle friends is still in the cuddle group and so when I saw that the "average couple" had stepped down as organizers and there were new ones in charge, I once again began to hope. But I saw who the organizers were so I was skeptical but always willing to approach new experiences with an open mind. So, I joined. Things have been getting most interesting - to say the least. And this has been only since Oct 25th.

So, the first thing the new organizers did, was completely change the focus and direction of the cuddle group and just made it like the other two. Here is their first communication to the group.
Keep in mind that the group is called "Cuddle parties and beyond". With this gruesome threesome, we have gone "beyond" to be certain.

We just wanted to introduce ourselves and give a quick "shout out" to everyone. There's a new Sheriff in town baby and we're taking the group in a completely different direction. The "Resurrection" is on boys and girls. So stay tuned for some major changes and some major fun. We're not your average organizers and we're not your average couple. We're all about ''thinking out of the box". For those of you who belong to one or both of our other two groups (Friends with benefits and the outrageous "The Exotic Erotic Sexual Fantasies and Lifestyles Meetup") know what we're talking about :-). Now we realized that all of you originally signed up for the group for different reasons and with a different agenda with the original organizers. So having said , we understand that the new direction that we're taking may not be for you. If that be the case, we understand if you decide to leave the group, but of course you're most welcome to stay.Now don't get us wrong there will be some aspects of the group that will be similar to the original concepts and objectives of the original organizers. Its just that we're going to be doing it a little differently and with a whole lot more flavor. so for those of you who'd like to bail, we understand. For those of you who'd like to stay all we can say is FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS! For those of you who do decide to stay , you're going to be reaping some "Benefits" right away. As mentioned earlier, We're the organizers of the other two groups. The First is "Friends With Benefits" in which we inherited about 183 members. This group was started by the same organizers and along the same lines as "cuddlers" but with a slightly different concept. They too will be under-going a major transformation and will be operated in unison with us (Friends Without Boundaries). So anyone that belong to either of the two groups will automatically have complete acces to the membership base of both groups and all of their meetup events and activities.

Now for those of you who'd really like to spice things up and try something completely wild and adventurous, there's "The Exotic Erotic Sexual Lifestyles and Fantasies Meetup Group". We're going to be giving preference for membership to members of both of the new groups that we just took over. Be warned though, this group puts the "E" in the word Erotic! There are some really, really super hot, open-minded, sexually charged, wild and crazy (in a good way lol) people in this group.If you go to the meetup page, it shows that we have about 36 members. About 20 open-minde couples and an assortment of about 16 guys and gals all of various sexual orientations for a total of about 66 people members. You guys should see some of the wild and sexy pics on their profiles lol. Anyway what the stats don't show is that there are about 150 people on a waiting list trying to get into the group. With respect to the nature of the group, we're obviosly being very selective about who we let join. However, as stated we're going to give our members of both groups (friends with benefits and friends without boundaries) FRONT OF THE LINE PRIVILEDGES. Any COUPLES and SINGLE FEMALES who belong to our two new groups WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY APPROVED UPON RECIEVING THEIR APPLICATION TO JOIN. Single males will also be given front of the line priviledges, but may have to go on a short wait list in an effort to keep the female to male ration balanced (in favor of the females)..But you will be put in front of everyone else that's waiting. The other good news is THAT ALL MEMBERS OF BOTH OF OUR TWO NEW GROUPS WILL BE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO ATTEND SOME OF IF NOT ALL OF THE EXOTIC EROTIC MEETUPS EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT A MEMBER YET. The first being an absolutely wild Halloween Party coming up next week. We'll keep you posted on that. This event will either be on the 28th, 29th, or the 30th of this month and trust us this will not be your average Halloween Party!!!

So take all of this in and we'll be in touch again soon to keep everyone updated on everything. Once again we're really happy to be the New Organizers of the group and we're here to make the group the best that it can possibly be for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. By the way, we're also looking for assistant organizers for all of the groups . So if you like to help out please let us know. There are some really nice perks and 'benefits" for the assistants :-). One last thing, for those of you who'd like to join the Exotic group, be sure to mention that you''re a member of our other two groups. Other wise we'd have no way of knowing and you'd just be placed at the end of the wait list with everyone else. Take care everyone and enjoy the rest of the week

Again, looking to fullfill their needs with little or no regard for what the membership wants or needs. So, some of us that joined a cuddle group, have voiced some concerns and confusion as to the change in direction. I mean, if I wanted to join the "exotic" group, I would have.
So, they planned their first group outting for Oct 29 at a Swinger's Club. Wouldn't you know it, not one female from the group is willing to go alone. So, one of the members mentioned that and here is the response that was posted the next day.
Yes Paul you're absolutely right. There isn't ONE single female signed up for the event, there' s (at the time of this email) over 52 couples (which strangely includes females) and about 22 all female couples (that would certainly be a needed necessity for the "all girl" play room and over 100 SINGLE FEMALES who'll be out on their own. So yes Paul you were right there will be a field day to be had and looks like you won't be apart of it :-). You obviously were well informed on the fact that there will be several other groups and guests from other clubs joining us which was clearly stated in the details that were sent out. So thanks Paul for keeping us updated and we're terribly sorry that you won't be coming out to play. We understand that you just might be more comfortable staying home in familiar surroundings and playing with yourself.. Your accurate input and opinion is always appreciated and seeing that you're so well informed, we look forward to your future updates ..xxx tootles ...Victoria

You should be advised of the following facts, give you a broader picture, because these folks must work in marketing or advertising, for they truly understand the expression, "It's all in how you sell it":

For example, she talks about how there are 168 members from one group and blah blah another group has this many....Well, in fact, the vast majority of said members are inert. Checking the members pages of these groups, well over 70% have not logged into the site in over three months or more. So, in fact, there are only about a dozen active members.
Then the claim about the "hotness" factor of the members of the core group, the wild and crazy swingers, well, when one checks the profiles of said members, it's almost always either a pic of the guy, mostly naked and either no face pics or just body pics of the women. Hhhmm, curious.

As to her rebuttal to Paul's concerns, well just off the top of my head, I found it hysterical where she talks about 22 all female couples. Well, great (if only it were true) but how does that reassure Paul that he might have one hope in hell of scoring? The event costs $30 (they claim they negotiated this price with the owner, horsepuckies, that's the price listed on the clubs website) so Paul wanted some reassurance that he might have a familiar lady or two with which to hope to score with or something during the course of the evening. Otherwise, what difference is this club from any other where the socially challenged are too intimidated to attend? Instead he got that reply and booted out because at the time of the writing of this entry, he was no longer a member. Some class and tact would have made her so much more appealing. Now that reply is up for every member of the group to see. You just can't teach some people class.

Personally I am keeping my membership in both the FWB group and this new and not-so-improved-cuddle group because this is just too funny to leave, and I don't have cable T.V. I need to get my soap opera fix somewhere. ;)

Canadian writer-director Paul Haggis denounces Scientology over gay rights

Nothing like an exciting religious skirmish to get your week started. From radaronline: "Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Jenna Elfman can count one less Hollywood A-Lister as a fellow Scientologist. In a shock heard-round-the-Scientology world, Paul Haggis has very publicly quit the organization. Among the acclaimed Haggis' many credits: he wrote Million Dollar Baby and Flags of Our Fathers for Clint Eastwood; and he produced/directed and wrote Crash for which he won an Oscar. He has an all-around stellar reputation in Hollywood as one of the good guys who made good. It was his conscience that made him quit the religion he's been part of for 35 years, Haggis said in a letter to Tommy Davis. Davis, the son of actress Anne Archer, is the face of Scientology, appearing on numerous TV interviews every year. Roger Friedman, in his Hollywood Reporter column, Showbiz 411, broke the story Sunday, and published a copy of Haggis' letter to Davis. Haggis first became disenchanted with Scientology last year when it backed Prop 8, the ban on gay marriage in California."

Here's Haggis' letter to Davis:


As you know, for ten months now I have been writing to ask you to make a public statement denouncing the actions of the Church of Scientology of San Diego. Their public sponsorship of Proposition 8, a hate-filled legislation that succeeded in taking away the civil rights of gay and lesbian citizens of California – rights that were granted them by the Supreme Court of our state – shames us.
I called and wrote and implored you, as the official spokesman of the church, to condemn their actions. I told you I could not, in good conscience, be a member of an organization where gay-bashing was tolerated.
In that first conversation, back at the end of October of last year, you told me you were horrified, that you would get to the bottom of it and “heads would roll.” You promised action. Ten months passed. No action was forthcoming. The best you offered was a weak and carefully worded press release, which praised the church’s human rights record and took no responsibility. Even that, you decided not to publish.
The church’s refusal to denounce the actions of these bigots, hypocrites and homophobes is cowardly. I can think of no other word. Silence is consent, Tommy. I refuse to consent.
I joined the Church of Scientology thirty-five years ago. During my twenties and early thirties I studied and received a great deal of counseling. While I have not been an active member for many years, I found much of what I learned to be very helpful, and I still apply it in my daily life. I have never pretended to be the best Scientologist, but I openly and vigorously defended the church whenever it was criticized, as I railed against the kind of intolerance that I believed was directed against it. I had my disagreements, but I dealt with them internally. I saw the organization – with all its warts, growing pains and problems – as an underdog. And I have always had a thing for underdogs.
But I reached a point several weeks ago where I no longer knew what to think. You had allowed our name to be allied with the worst elements of the Christian Right. In order to contain a potential “PR flap” you allowed our sponsorship of Proposition 8 to stand. Despite all the church’s words about promoting freedom and human rights, its name is now in the public record alongside those who promote bigotry and intolerance, homophobia and fear.
The fact that the Mormon Church drew all the fire, that no one noticed, doesn’t matter. I noticed. And I felt sick. I wondered how the church could, in good conscience, through the action of a few and then the inaction of its leadership, support a bill that strips a group of its civil rights.
This was my state of mind when I was online doing research and chanced upon an interview clip with you on CNN. The interview lasted maybe ten minutes – it was just you and the newscaster. And in it I saw you deny the church’s policy of disconnection. You said straight-out there was no such policy, that it did not exist.
I was shocked. We all know this policy exists. I didn’t have to search for verification – I didn’t have to look any further than my own home. You might recall that my wife was ordered to disconnect from her parents because of something absolutely trivial they supposedly did twenty-five years ago when they resigned from the church. This is a lovely retired couple, never said a negative word about Scientology to me or anyone else I know – hardly raving maniacs or enemies of the church. In fact it was they who introduced my wife to Scientology.
Although it caused her terrible personal pain, my wife broke off all contact with them. I refused to do so. I’ve never been good at following orders, especially when I find them morally reprehensible.
For a year and a half, despite her protestations, my wife did not speak to her parents and they had limited access to their grandchild. It was a terrible time. That’s not ancient history, Tommy. It was a year ago. And you could laugh at the question as if it was a joke? You could publicly state that it doesn’t exist?

To see you lie so easily, I am afraid I had to ask myself: what else are you lying about? The great majority of Scientologists I know are good people who are genuinely interested in improving conditions on this planet and helping others. I have to believe that if they knew what I now know, they too would be horrified. But I know how easy it was for me to defend our organization and dismiss our critics, without ever truly looking at what was being said; I did it for thirty-five years. And so, after writing this letter, I am fully aware that some of my friends may choose to no longer associate with me, or in some cases work with me. I will always take their calls, as I always took yours. However, I have finally come to the conclusion that I can no longer be a part of this group. Frankly, I had to look no further than your refusal to denounce the church’s anti-gay stance, and the indefensible actions, and inactions, of those who condone this behavior within the organization. I am only ashamed that I waited this many months to act. I hereby resign my membership in the Church of Scientology.

Paul Haggis


Finnegan The Squirrel

The moral of this story is the best part!!!

Debby Cantlon, who plans to release Finnegan, the young squirrel, back into the wild, bottle-fed the infant squirrel after it was brought to her house...

When Cantlon took in the tiny creature and began caring for him, she found herself with an unlikely nurse's aide: her pregnant Papillion, Mademoiselle Giselle.

Finnegan was resting in a nest in a cage just days before Giselle was due to deliver her puppies.

Cantlon and her husband watched as the dog dragged the squirrel's cage twice to her own bedside before she gave birth.

Cantlon was concerned, yet ultimately decided to allow the squirrel out and the inter-species bonding began.

Finnegan rides a puppy mosh pit of sorts, burrowing in for warmth after feeding, eventually working his way beneath his new litter mates.

Two days after giving birth, mama dog Giselle allowed Finnegan to nurse; family photos and a video show her encouraging him to suckle alongside her litter of five pups.

Now, Finnegan mostly uses a bottle, but still snuggles with his 'siblings' in a moshpit of puppies, rolling atop their bodies, and sinking in deeply for a nap.

Finnegan and his new litter mates, five Papillion puppies,

get along together as if they were meant to.

Finnegan makes himself at home with his new litter mates, nuzzling nose-to-nose for a nap after feeding.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Keep loving everyone, even the squirrelly ones..

My little ponies

You know, I never was one for ponies and horses growing up. Maybe it was the city slicker in me, maybe I wasn't like other little girls in a wide variety of ways. While I think they are beautiful and majestic creatures, I never "had a thing" for them.
Of late though, it seems that I am starting to form my own personal "my lil' pony" corral.
There is Sterkarm the primary stud, and while he is sub, he has preferential treatment over everyone else.
Then there are the newly arrived pups. Met two thus far, and they are both just too cute for words. In their submissive, "please Auntie ram my sweet ass" kind of way. One especially likes to refer to me as "Goddess" and can't worship me enough. So cute. :)
There is the quiet rocker one, with the hockey player butt and sly smile. Just can't get enough of Auntie's attentions on that cute tush. Both are late twenties, but very willing to serve and don't seem like they will require a great deal of work to become fully house broken.

Then there are the young 'uns. Haven't met them offline yet, but both are very pleasing online thus far.
The youngest of the two is so adorable I can't wait to eat him up with a spoon. All he wants to do is worship at my feet (or any other body part that pleases me). So young and eager to learn, good head on his shoulders and most importantly, respectful. Can't wait to put him through his paces.
The other one is also good potential pony material. We have good chats online the last two days we've met and it might transfer over into real life, noone can tell for sure.

Now all I need is a unicorn to complete my personal erotic corral and all will be set. Got a good prospect online, but with girls, its so hard to know for sure who is for real.

The unicorn search continues

As done previously with my desire for my boytoy, I am once again putting my wishes out into the universe and I have faith that these desires will once again be fulfilled.

So, what does this elusive gal pal (a.k.a. unicorn) encompass? In my mind's eye, she is 20something, in the 5foot height range, has some meat on her, she's not a fussy eater, or high maintenance. She is a true bisexual, not "curious" or whatever, but has some real life experience. Conversely, not someone with so much experience that it makes our roleplaying and fun and games more work than play. Nothing hardcore.
A young lady of taste and class that is seeking an equally classy dom as a mentor, friend and lover. Someone that has poise, manners and sophistication or at least enough of a good foundation of those qualities, that it makes it a pleasure to smooth out the rough edges. Truth is, you can't make a diamond out of a piece of coal.

She would have to possess the intellectual capacity to keep me stimulated and someone that loves to learn, has an open mind and is a true sub. Novices are such a bore, unsure and untrained. Seldom worth the time and effort it would take to finesse them. Furthermore, she would require a stout psychological base and understand that while we may play taboo oriented games, I am not interested in replacing or addressing her "mommy" issues.

A young lady with great time management skills, so that she has varied interests in her life, but can manage her time well, and doesn't try to control our relationship with "I am busy" but rather understands her importance of her role as my loyal and dedicated pet. I do after all make the time and give forth the effort to look after my pets well. That might be one key reason why I have so many boomerangs return. Even those I haven't met in real life.

You know, as I read over what I wrote, it seems like what I am truly seeking is.....me. In my 20's. Now that I think about it, no wonder my older friends were always been so taken with me. Sure, I look good (decent enough anyways), but it was those other qualities that made being with me and teaching me and guiding me, a pleasure for them as well.

Anyhow, I have faith as mentioned previously, that the universe will once again answer my call as it did when it sent Sterkarm into my loving arms.

You just never know...

what you'll find parked outside your workplace. Interesting looking little car.


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Not your average bedtime story telling.

In real estate it's all about location, location, location.

Occupying what used to be a driveway, it's a one bedroom, one bathroom home that sits on a parcel of land 7.25 feet wide and 113.67 feet long. It's interior area is just under 300 square feet.

Here's the living room, looking towards the front of the house.

Here's the living room again, looking towards the back

Here's the kitchen. Note that despite the small space, they've managed to fit a washer and dryer into the place.

Here's the bedroom. It comes with a Murphy bed, which is a necessity in such a space. This is what it looks like with the Murphy Bed down.

And here's the bedroom with the Murphy Bed retracted:

You also get some patio space out back. Here it is, looking towards the front of the house:

And here's the patio looking towards the back:

Here are the home's 'Listed Features':

* Completely redone top-to-bottom,
* Tumbled stone entrance walk
* Renovated Bath
* Renovated Kitchen with new stove, new cabinets and new stacked washer/dryer
* Bedroom with Murphy Bed + 'Built-ins' ... (doubles as a den)
* Walkout to fenced patio
* 100 Amp service
* 2 Satellite Dishes and Receiver
* Window Air Conditioner Available


You get all this for....

ONLY $479,900.00!

Only in New York !

Yes, baby pigeons do exist

And these two happen to have been made and hatched on my balcony.

The secret to great sex

Twisting yourself into fancy positions, lasting all night long, hauling in all kinds of gadgets, toys, and fancy lingerie: These are the things our society tends to push as necessary accoutrements to a long-lasting steamy sex life.
But Ottawa-based sex therapist and psychologist and her team of trusty research colleagues have unlocked the secret of great sex. And...wait for it...it is....drum roll please... 'being present, connection, deep sexual and erotic intimacy, extraordinary communication, interpersonal risk-taking and exploration, authenticity, vulnerability and transcendence.'

I know, hardly the stuff of Cosmo's endless 'hottest new tips to a mind-blowing sex life' lists. Or, of quick-fix society that would much rather have a pill or a nose-spray or some other instant solution to improve their lackluster sex life.

And, most interesting, the bulk of Kleinplatz' research was conducted among older couples who'd been together for years. In a society that suggests sex is steamiest among young, beautiful hard-bodied hotties, it is undoubtedly refreshing news.

During their 5-year study, Kleinplatz and her colleagues conducted extensive interviews with people from three groups who reported that they enjoyed 'great sex' with their partner. The largest group being older people with a lifetime of experience, the second being people from sexual minorities (e.g., gay men, bisexual women), and the third being professional sex therapists.

In an interview in the Winnipeg Free Press, Kleinplatz is quoted as saying that, 'Unfortunately, popular culture tells people that great sex is about varying your routines, trying new positions, buying new sex toys.[...] Many people have bought into the message that if your sex life seems kind of dull, just spice it up.'

This sort of marketing, she says, just makes people feel more insecure about their sex lives and uneducated about their sexual technique because they are led to believe that the secret to sexual fulfillment is technical, that it's about better manual and oral stimulation techniques.

'No one had bothered to investigate empirically what makes for memorable, fulfilling, optimal sexuality,' adds Kleinplatz.

As a result, the reality of our partner's sexual needs is often different than our perception of them. For example, in the study, participants revealed how often they thought their partner wanted to have sex and, while the results showed that men's ideal frequency for sexual behaviours was greater than women's, both partners perceived each other's desired frequencies to be different than they actually were. In fact, the women often assumed their male partner wanted it much more than he actually did.

And, when participants were asked about the role that orgasm played in great sex, a higher number of participants said it was not terribly important.

The study, 'The Components of Optimal Sexuality: A Portrait of 'Great Sex'' is published in the current issue in The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality.

Happy Canada Day, eh?

What an amazing country my parents dragged me to at the tender age of 8!! Love you Canada, thanks for everything, but mostly for not being America.

Don't mess with Granny

I can't wait to be old and crotchety like granny here. Well....alright, not so much "old" but for sure have the freedom to speak the absolute truth. Goodonya gran!

Just don't get it

Why do people join social networking sites, claim that they want to meet new people and make friends, but are unwilling to get away from their keyboard and screen and actually meet in person?
I know I am old fashioned in some respects, but it seems that no matter how low I set my expectations, people will always find a way to disappoint me with their insincerity and fake intentions. Words with no actions to back them up. How boring and tiring. So happy to have someone in my life that is legit and trustworthy.